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Pepsi and Sony Music Deal Has Dixie Chicks, Celine Dion, and Perl Jam in Grocery Stores

NEW YORK - Want some Pearl Jam with your Pepsi? A new promotional campaign between Pepsi and Sony may make that possible. The New York Times reports that Pepsi-Cola North America and Sony Music Entertainment have a promotional agreement that calls for new music from Sony to be sold in grocery stores, restaurants and gas stations. The deal also gives Pepsi usage of new music from Sony's recording artists for its worldwide marketing efforts.

"Music is part of our DNA. Working with Sony lets us bring it to life in the marketplace," said Dave Burwick, Pepsi-Cola North America's senior vice president and chief of marketing. "The umbrella idea is that Pepsi is bringing you music first. It reinforces Pepsi's connection and leadership in music as a marketer at the same time it allows Sony to get airplay for artists early and often."

The campaign will include 30- to 60-second radio spots sponsored by Pepsi that would offer a "sneak preview" of not yet released music. Any of Sony artists could be picked to participate in the campaign. Pepsi will also sponsor TV specials and concert tours showcasing Sony's recording artists. It will also use images of Sony's artists on its beverage packaging. Pepsi's stable of artists includes the Dixie Chicks, Pearl Jam, Bob Dylan, Tony Bennett, Celine Dion, Shakira, and Santana to name a few


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