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The NFC Championship Game finds me at Home on The Couch! - Anja Crotts

That's right, I said it!

The Seahawks are in the NFC Championship!

This is the first playoff game in three years for the Carolina Panthers, and the first NFC Championship game in roughly three decades for the Seahawks. Seattle isn't hiding any excitement about the Seahawks success and the upcoming game. There are Seahawks signature "12th Man" signs on every company building, store window, and most cars this week. FX McRory's, a restaurant located down by Quest Field, has changed it's dome-shaped awning to look like a football.

The only talk I hear at work, on the street corner, at my favorite coffee shop, lunch spot, and restaurant is that of the Seahawks. Tickets are roughly $600 per seat and being bought as soon as they hit the market. You may be reading this and wondering why I'm not at the game, why I'm watching the pre-game show from my couch, but it is simply because I did not pay nearly a month's salary for a ticket, and I was waiting to meet a Seahawk on the sidewalk and be personally invited, but I wasn't so lucky.

Yes, I'm forced to enjoy this epic game from my couch, so while comfortable, I do not get to be in the middle of Quest Field and the awesome fans that fill it. I don't get to hear the stadium erupt after every major play, and hear the actual decibel level right before the Panthers will get false start penalties. I don't get to enjoy those great $8 beers, wander around the Club section bars, and try to take a peek inside the suites when someone walks in or out.

However, the worst part of watching this game from my couch is that I have to watch CBS' completely non-football oriented, female in-studio announcer. Watching her wear as little as television allows on a national football pre-game show and emphasize her cleavage rather than her football knowledge is borderline making me gag.

Plus, the 'sexiest NFL player award', with a couple of wannabe models wearing some trashy outfits and shrunken jerseys, was something that should be on the one public television station allowed in every major area, not right before the NFC Championship game. This program, and this nauseating female announcer, are a disgrace and embarrassment to the network, and every football-loving female. To put a finer point on it, anyone thinking this pre-game show and their "little ray of sunshine" are actually enjoyable to watch and find appropriate for the program, you are an insult to every breathing female. This is football, lets try to stick to that.

January 21, 2006 by Anja Crotts

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