SBS XFL Simworld
The XFL Simworld was the first online simulation developed by SBS CEO Zennie Abraham , in 2001. It started as an idea called "The NFL Model."
After Mr. Abraham finished his stint heading the effort to bring the 2005 Super Bowl to Oakland, CA., he became interested in building a system dynamics model
of the worldwide business operation that is the National Football League. The idea of the simulation is that the NFL can evaluate business strategies before they're
put into actual practice. Moreover, because the simulation would be online, it would permit distance conferencing between NFL executives and business partners.
In 2001, Mr. Abraham met Michael Bean and Will Glass-Hussain of Forio Business Simulations. Mr. Bean and Mr. Glass-Hussain invited him to learn and use Forio's system dynamics-based language called
"Forio Macro Language" or FML. So, learning three programing languages at once -- HTML, FML, and JavaScript -- Abraham built what is now called the XFL Simworld.
The inspiration for the XFL Simworld was People Express, an airline which lasted one year and was the basis for a popular business school case study. The XFL's similar business fate was the perfect foundation for an online simulation for the business classroom.
XFL Simworld Simulation Objectives
The XFL Simworld is a simple sim. Your task is to keep the XFL running as a going concern over a six month period by making the right combination of decisions on marketing expenditures,
player playroll, team location, and other major factors, with the idea of maintaining high annual TV ratings.
Why a six month period? Because that's roughly the time that it took for the XFL to fail as a media-based business; NBC cancelled its investment contract with the league.
How to use the XFL Simworld In Your Classroom
The main teaching objective of the XFL Simworld is to help students understand the business nature of sports leagues, and primarily the relationship between television and media, TV ratings and sports rights fees. It's an excellent tool for sports marketing, and introductory marketing courses. Professors can either build a class around the sim, or use it for part of a course , or as an extra credit assignment.
To try the XFL Simworld over a one-day free trial, just click here: START XFL SIM TRIAL. To buy an account for use in your class, just click here: BUY AN ACCOUNT.
It's $12.50 per student per class. Please e-mail SBS at info@sportsbusinesssims.com with other questions.
You may also contact Dr. Joris Drayer of The University of Memphis, Professor Dan Rascher of The University of San Francisco, Professor Professor Rod Fort of Washington State University or any of the members of the SBS Advisory Board for questions on how they used the SBS simulations in their classes. Just send an email to SBS at the adress above.