## The next statement inserts javascript functions used by Broadcast into HTML

Buffi The Gym Girl Beta > Financials

Decisions   Graphs   Tables   Reports   Help   Exit ## This where the table creation begins #set ($TableVariableList = ["","gym_one_revenue","","total_expense","","gym_one_NOI","","monthly_profit_or_loss"]) #set ($TimeRange = [0..$Run.SimStep]) ## Table Title Row ## Header Row #foreach( $VariableName in $TableVariableList) #end ## End of Header Row ## Loop through each data row #foreach( $step in $TimeRange ) #foreach( $VariableName in $TableVariableList ) #end #end ## Completed Table Creation
TIME #if($VariableName == "")  #else $Values.get($VariableName).Label#end
$Run.convertStepToTime($step) #if($VariableName == "")   #else $Values.get($VariableName).getResultFormatted($step) #end