Oakland Baseball Simworld High Score List

If you want to see your name on the score list, you must join SBS and receive and account username and password, then play the Oakland Baseball Simworld and develop a successful organization. Scores from sim runs are up for a 30-day period.

Be sure to open the "Business Strategy Post," answer the questions, and press the bottom button, to save your score. Only then can you view your score, and what you wrote, in this list table.

## ## Note-- $ScoreList will only be generated if "FD_displayscores" is a parameter set to true ## ## are there any runs? Loop through all scores and see. #foreach($s in $ScoreList) #if($s.Run) #set($scoresExist = true) #end #end #if(!$scoresExist) #end #foreach ($Score in $ScoreList) ## Possible references ## $Score.Score -- score as an unformatted number ## $Score.FormattedScore ## $Score.FormattedMetric1 ## $Score.FormattedMetric2 ## $Score.FormattedMetric3 ## $Score.FormattedMetric4 ## $Score.FinalTime ## $Score.StrategyDescription1 ## $Score.StrategyDescription2 ## $Score.StrategyDescription3 ## $Score.ScoreDate ## $Score.Run.EndUser.LoginId ## $Score.Run.EndUser.FirstName ## $Score.Run.EndUser.LastName ## $Score.Run.EndUser.Email ## NOTE - ignore rows that do not have a valid run (e.g. for runs from other groups) #if($Score.Run) #end #end
User Date Time Score Net Operating Income Franchise Value World Series Champion Games Playoff Appearances Final Sim Time Please explain what kind of business strategy you used to start the simulation. For example, did you want to build a high payroll team? A low payroll team? What about expenditures for marketing? Ticket prices? Did you build a new stadium? Please explain what happened in the simulation. Did your business strategy work? Did you have to change your business strategy at any time during the simulation? If so, why? If not, why not. Did you borrow money to maintain your business strategy and "stay the course."
No public scores have been saved. Please log in to see the scores for your class.
#if ($TrialExpirationDate) #set ($DaysUsed = 2 - $TrialDaysLeft + 1) Trial Player #else $Score.Run.EndUser.FirstName $Score.Run.EndUser.LastName #end $Formatter.date($Score.ScoreDate)  $Formatter.time($Score.ScoreDate)  $!Score.FormattedScore  $Score.FormattedMetric1 $Score.FormattedMetric2 $Score.FormattedMetric3 $!Score.FormattedMetric4 $Score.FinalTime  $!Score.StrategyDescription1  $!Score.StrategyDescription2  $!Score.StrategyDescription3