#if($FunctionLibrary.integer($Values.get('stop_sim_switch_three').Value) > 0)

#end ## The next statement inserts javascript functions used by Broadcast into HTML #include("javascript.txt")

Oakland Baseball Simworld 5.0

#if ($TrialExpirationDate) #set ($DaysUsed = 1 - $TrialDaysLeft + 1) You are in day $DaysUsed of your 1 day free trial. #else Greetings $User.FirstName $User.LastName. #end

Oakland Baseball Simworld User Level Setting: #if($FunctionLibrary.integer($Values.D_advanced_marketing_switch.Result)== 0)Advanced Marketing Sim Level#else #end #if($FunctionLibrary.integer($Values.D_advanced_marketing_switch.Result)== 1)Normal Sim Level#else #end #if($Run.BaseRun)

Current Scenario and Rationale #else

No scenario currently set. #end

Simulation developed by Zennie Abraham, Chairman and CEO, and modified in collaboration with
SBS Co-Founder Dan Rascher,PhD, Professor of Sports Economics, University of San Francisco,

and the SBS Sim Development Advisory Board.

By SBS: Sports Business Simulations

The Oakland Baseball Simworld was created to simulate the macro business operation of the 30 Major League
Baseball teams, with an emphasis on the Oakland A's.

While there are over 100 decisions, this e-learning simulation is basically simple:
First! Start the sim by pressing the "Begin Simulation" button at the bottom of this page
Then Step 1 Review graphs and charts to determine how much money the team's making or losing and why...
Step 2 Make decisions by selecting the option of your choice; there are over 100 decision options.
Step 3 Press "Submit Decisions" at the bottom of the decisions page
Step 4 Wait for the sim to run; the system will take you to the top of the decisions page..
Step 5 Go to Step 1, and repeat the process to the year 2019. Don't get contracted!

Have a question about the Oakland Baseball Simworld? Ask it at the Oakland Baseball Simworld Forum : click here.

Sim Play Levels: Normal and Advanced

There are two levels of the sim. The only difference between them is the number of decisions you can make.
The game is preset to the Advanced Level, Marketing - the highest.
To use the sim at a level, just click on your choice below, then press "Begin Simulation."

Normal Sim Level

At this level, you can make decisions involving team finances and management, and existing stadium operations.
To build a new stadium, you activate the "Build New Stadium" decision.
The stadium will be constructed if you have paid attention to political issues.

Advanced Level Sim: Marketing

Here, you have access to all decisions and in the Advanced Marketing Decision area,
and the Stadium Negotiations Section.

As a note, there are default settings for each variable, even in the most advanced level.
The point is, just because you have a decision you can make, does not mean you have to make it.

(Please deactivate any popup-blocking software before you begin.)

Scoring Parameters

The score range is as follows:
0 to 100 Below Average Score
101 to 150 Average Score
151 to 200 Good Score
200 and up Excellent Score
Oakland Baseball Simworld High Score List Click at left to Read The High Score List

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