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SBS Sponsors the National Champion Berkeley All Blues Women's Rugby Team
Sports Business Simulations to play a key role in the web presence of the best Women's Rugby organization in America
June 1, 2004 (Oakland, CA) The Berkeley All Blues bring their rich tradition of winning rugby to Sports Business Simulations.
SBS is proud to sponsor the All Blues, which in its own way has a storied history as colorful as the LA Lakers or the NY Yankees or the
Dallas Cowboys. It's simply the best women's rugby organization in America.
As part of what will be a far-reaching sponsorship involvement, SBS will also feature the written work of Berkeley All Blues Player
Sue Landsittel in her column "Sue's Corner." Sue becomes SBS' latest "SBS Personality."
"We continue to demonstrate our commitment to the advancement of women's sports with this engagement," said SBS CEO Zenophon Abraham.
"SBS also calls on other firms and individuals to donate to this sports organization. Considering that they're National Champions, it's terrible
that they lack the resources needed to be the USA's best for the next generation. SBS will work to change that state of affairs."
Oakland-based Sports Business Simulations produces online simulations of sports organizations for the classroom and for
sports fantasy, presents, discusses, analyzes, and reports on sports business policies, activities, and trends, and promotes
up-and-coming athletes, with an emphasis on women's sports. SBS was founded on January 24, 2003, by Zenophon Abraham,
who serves as Chairman and CEO and Prof. Daniel Rascher who serves as Vice Chairman and Chief Marketing Officer.
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